AXBC Classes in Axapta
AXBC Classes in Axapta (Axapta Business Component Classes)
Ax /AxBC classes
The Ax class is an X++ class that wraps a table to track state. An example of an Ax class is AxLedgerJournalTable. All Ax classes derive from the AxInternalBase class. From a service perspective, it is important to understand which elements that the consumer has passed to the service, so proper defaulting can occur. Ax classes share three common characteristics.
They contain generated 'parm' methods that wrap all the fields on the table. When an incoming message is deserialized, the service infrastructure invokes each 'parm' method for which the consumer passed data. These 'parm' methods then set state and update the database table. Therefore, after deserialization, the class maintains the elements that the consumer passed to the service. This allows field defaulting to use the values the consumer passed.
In general, the generated 'parm' methods are sufficient...