AOS and Clusturing
There seems to be quite some vagueness when it comes to Ax and AOS clustering. A few statements to (hopefully) clear things up a bit: Single AOS The simplest configuration is an Ax implementation with one single AOS server. Extra AOS servers can be added in scenarios where you want to increase availability or scale up the Ax environment to handle a larger number of users/connections. Several possibilities from that point on: AOS side by side By default multiple AOS's in a single Ax environment will exist side by side. They do know about each others existence, sync their caches, try not to hamper each other too much, … A user connects to a specific AOS as defined in his client configuration. In case there is more than one AOS defined in the configuration the first available will be used. Adding all available AOS's to one client config file would probably be a smart thing to do. If you only add one node of the cluster to your config file, and this one node is down, y...