Labels Files In Dynamics Axapta
If we look at our label files in the AOT we see 4 different extensions for our labels · ALI Axapta Label Index · ALC Axapta Label Comments · ALT Axapta Label Temp, Store · ALD Axapta Label Dictionary The ALD file is readable/editable with a text editor. General speaking you only need the ALD file. When the AOS is restarted the ALI and ALC will be generated on the fly. (or update when the time stamp of the ALD file is bigger than the timestamp of the ALC or ALI file) Next, a developer creates new labels. These labels will be stored in the ALT file. Not yet in the ALD file. When the final AOS will stop. AX will update the ALD file this way. It will copy the ALD file to an ALB file. Next the changes in the ALT file will be stored in the ALB file....