Release to Production Environment in Dynamics 365 F&O
After you've successfully applied the update in the sandbox environment and are ready to move the update over to the production environment, follow these steps to mark an update as a release candidate. 1. Open the environment history page by selecting History > Environment changes on the environment details page. 2. Select the update to move over to the production environment. 3. In the details for the update, select Mark as release candidate. The Is Release Candidate option is set to Yes. After you've marked an update as a release candidate, follow these steps to update your environment. 1. Open the environment details page for the production environment. 2. Select Maintain > Update environment to apply an update. 3. In the Available sandboxes list, select the source sandbox environment where the update was applied, validated, and marked as a release candidate. 4. In the grid, select the update to apply to the production environment. This grid shows only u...