close methods on a form

There are “only” 5 ways to close a form:
1. Close - close the form
2. CloseOK – close the form, and set the OK flag – called by the commandbutton: Ok
3. CloseCancel – close the form, and set the Cancel flag – called by the commandbutton: Cancel
4. CloseSelectRecord – close the lookup form, and set return record
5. CloseSelect – close the lookup form, and set return value

The methods in past-tense are used to determine if or how a form was closed:
6. Closed – The form is no longer open
7. ClosedOK – The form was closed by the user clicking ‘OK’
8. ClosedCancel – The form was closed by the user clicking ‘Cancel’

And canClose() is called before any of the close methods get called.
