create a copy of a Dynamics AX 2009 live company on a test server.

In order to create a copy of Live company on a test server for Dynamics AX 2009, there are two scenarios.
Scenario 1: Copy the entire environment
This is a relatively easy scenario as explained in below steps
1. Copy over the Dynamics AX SQL Database and restore on the other SQL server
2. Copy over the application folder of Dynamics AX and paste it in Application folder content. (Default location is C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\50\Application\Appl).
3. Now point AOS to the newly copied application folder.
Scenario 2: Only data to be copied to the test environment
1. Follow the step as 1 above and in this scenario there is no need to copy the Application folder.
2. Run Synchronize so that the database structure matches the application files on the test server.
